Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Baby... New Blog!

I realized that with our little one on the way, we needed to change our Blog name. We were about to become a 2 little girl family!

Little Evelyn Marie arrived on October 6th 2009 at 7:26am. She had an agenda all her own as I wasn't even due until October 21st! Evvy was born a perfect 7 lbs 10 oz and 18 1/4 inches long

Labor wasn't bad - my water broke at 9:45pm on Monday night. This was a first for me so it caught me by surprise and of course Bella had to let me know I got the bed all wet (I was in the middle of reading her a bedtime story) So we packed up and headed out. I was dialated to a 2+ when we got the hospital I waited an hour or so before I got the epideral but once that was in, we tried to get some sleep.

This little girl must LOVE her Grandma because not only did my water break not 3 hours after picking my mom up from the airport but she arrived at the hospital at almost 7am and I was pushing within 10 minutes and

TA DA - Evvy was just waiting for Grandma!

She looks a lot like Bella did and yes, she has red hair although Bella had red eyebrows from the get go and Evvy's are blonde so I guess we will have to wait and see.

I feel so blessed to have my beautiful little girl here and to have such a wonderful family....