Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 2

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011.

Today I realized I was more bored then hungry but found myself wanting to sit on the couch, turn on an episode of Cougartown, and eat. I decided totake my sister's idea from a blog she recently found and I made myself a chore chart and a list of all the projects that need to be done around my house. When I found myself wanting to eat, I referred to my list. I cleaned my 3 bathrooms, steam mopped the floors, and cleaned out the cupboards and storage totes in those rooms. YAY ME!!

I had yogurt and an oatmeal raisin bar for breakfast, leftover soup for lunch and an amazing dinner. I found a recipe on for a healthy fettichini alfredo made with califlower puree.
I do NOT like califlower and find myself not getting enough veggies so I thought this might be a good idea. Joe made this while I was at a meeting and also made bleu cheese dressing from a recipe I found on weight watchers. We paired that with a green salad and the pasta and it was DELISH!!! The pasta was 8 points. I finished off my day with a cookies n cream shake made with fat free frozen yogurt and reduced fat oreos and had 3 points to spare.

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