Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 12

Friday, February 4th, 2011

The weekend!! Started the day with my oatmeal/toast/milk breakfast and got ready for another day of organizing and cleaning....

Leftover baked beef ziti for lunch - did I mention how great my hubby is for putting leftovers in cup sized portions for me. Perfect!

By dinnertime I was at 14 points and had quite a few left. I was feeling strained from the week of cleaning and organizing and after almost 2 weeks of dieting I was feeling kinda blah. My hubby also told me that his work was requiring a 50 hour (but to expect 60) work weeks for the next 2 weeks so I was not in the mood to cook knowing the next 2 weeks it would just be me preparing meals.

We had Burger King - yep, I caved. I didn't do too bad tho. I had a Whopper Jr (with cheese) and a small fry. This was a total of 19 points and I didn't go over for the day but about an hour after eating I was still craving something. I don't think I will do this again as I had some chocolate (4 points) and still wanted more! I decided to eat some fruit as I hadn't had much veggies/fruit today so I had an apple. I went over my points but had my weekly allowance but it didn't make me feel too great about myself. Oh well, new day tomorrow.

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